9.SOLUTIONS 超級大力夾Barracuda Clamp
The Barracuda Clamp is the real super clamp that delivers more versatility and innovation than any other clamp on the market. Whether round, square, or flat, the Barracuda Clamp will open wider and bite with more force than the competition.
Its unique mouth design allows it to clamp onto different shaped objects without any additional pieces, and
the clamping pressure is spread more equally than the competitor’s. It also features a true snap-in socket that locks down when a pin is inserted, allowing you to hang equipment with one hand.
- No friction in clamping mechanism when opening and closing
- Stronger clamping force than the competition
- Fits with all super clamp adapter pieces and studs
- Snap-in socket locks down on 5/8” pins when inserted
- 0-60mm mouth opening
- Kipp lever for tight spaces
The Barracuda clamp is patent protected.
超級大力夾提供比市面上任何夾具更多的功能和創新。無論是圓形管、方形管、或是平板。它皆可以直接夾取比競爭對手更強的力道。獨特的咬齒形狀不需任何附件即可夾取任何形狀,夾持的壓力會平均的分布在咬齒上。下方還具有一個5/8"快拆母座,插入5/8"公頭即會自動鎖定,方便使用者輕鬆的以單手吊掛設備。 亮點: 比競爭對手更強的夾緊力道 開關把柄無摩擦力,更順暢的手感 KIPP手柄,方便在狹小的空間裡鎖上夾具。 "超級大力夾有專利保護中"
重量: 550 g
夾取尺寸: 0-60mm
最大承載: 20 kg
(1x) 5/8” 母座
(1x) 3/8”-16 螺紋孔
(1x) 1/4”-20 螺紋孔
(2x) M6 (6mm) 螺紋孔
(4x) M5 (5mm) 螺紋孔
(1x) 上方可穿越電纜或繩索